Petrus Alamire - Polyphony in the Picture

Seven masterpieces from the workshop of Petrus Alamire
Petrus Imhoff, alias Alamire (c. 1470 - 1536) was the mastermind behind more than sixty wonderfully illuminated music manuscripts. Following in the footsteps of an older colleague or predecessor whose identity is now unknown, he headed a scriptorium or workshop with music scribes and illuminators that produced music manuscripts on commission from churches, brotherhoods, sovereigns, and wealthy courtiers. Forty-nine manuscripts still survive complete, distributed throughout Europe, with the remainder preserved as tantalizing fragments. The books are not only a treat for the eyes, but also for the ears: they contain the very best ensemble vocal music - polyphony - from between 1480 and 1535.
The book focuses on the seven Alamire manuscripts that are today preserved in Belgium. For each manuscript, the most beautiful pages and illuminations are displayed in high resolution images. In addition, one of the musical works in each manuscript is discussed in detail, including historical context and a listening guide.
- Author:
- Ignace Bossuyt, Stratton Bull, Fabrice Fitch, Honey Meconi, Emily Thelen
- 9789059086814
- Year:
- 2015
- Type:
- Hard Cover
- Pages:
- 256
- Dimensions (LxWxH in mm):
- 256 mm x 318 mm
- Weight in kg:
- 2.1